I’ve always been fascinated with strange things in nature, whether they are nature made or manmade. We have a carved baby face on a boulder here in our area called Baby Face Rock on Highway 14 toward Elk City, it is one of those fascinating and weird things people gravitate to. There are a few legends about the making of the face and the date below it, some say it was to honor the spot where a child was crushed by said rock! Some say it was just a bored settler who was enjoying the stream and shade of the day in that very spot and decided to carve a reminder. What ever it is it’s truly fascinating! I am including a few articles of the monument; one story is of maybe the true reason it is on that rock. Any way you look at it I’ll leave it up for you to think about and decide for yourselves. Enjoy the legend and maybe come out to Highway 14 and discover it for yourselves! I am including a few photos of my family and I when we went hiking up to see this strange little monument. Not a difficult hike and it was also very pretty!
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